5 foods that are great for lowering high blood pressure

Hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, is a condition that occurs when the force of the blood against the arterial wall is too high. High blood pressure is indicated by a blood pressure measurement of 140/90 or higher. However, newer recommendations state that levels higher than 130/80 should be considered as high blood pressure.

A blood pressure reading has two numbers: a systolic blood pressure (the first number in the reading) and a diastolic blood pressure (the second number in the reading). The systolic blood pressure is the maximum pressure the blood exerts on the vessels when the heart is beating. The diastolic blood pressure is the pressure the blood exerts on the vessels in between heartbeats.

The National Health Survey of Pakistan estimated that hypertension affects 18% of adults and 33% of adults above 45 years old. The new guidelines estimates that now every third person over the age of 40 becoming increasingly vulnerable against hypertension along with a wide range of other diseases. Hypertension can be dangerous, as it can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

While treatment for high blood pressure can include medications, it can also often be treated through lifestyle changes, such as reducing sodium intake, eating a nutritious diet, and exercising regularly. If you’re looking to manage or lower your blood pressure, adding these nutritious foods to your diet may be an effective way to see results!

Beetroots are known for their blood pressure reducing properties. An analysis published in The Journal of Nutrition states that - Beetroots are rich in high levels of nitrate (NO3), which the body converts into biologically active nitrite (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide works within the body to relax and expand blood vessels.

Leafy green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables are filled with potassium, magnesium and folic acid. All of these are essential to help maintain healthy blood pressure. Potassium helps your kidneys flush out sodium, magnesium helps regulate blood flow, and folic acid lowers homo cysteine levels, which prevents the damage to arteries that contribute to high blood pressure.

Bananas help to lower blood pressure as they are full of potassium, a key electrolyte that works in opposition to sodium, thus counteracting the blood pressure raising effects of sodium and helping the kidneys remove sodium from the body.

Pistachios have great effects in controlling blood pressure. They are also rich in potassium and magnesium, which further contributes to releasing hypertension. As they may have the largest blood pressure-lowering effects of all the nuts.

Olive oil
Olive oil has shown significant effects on improving cardiovascular health. The nitro fatty acids in olive oil prevent the enzyme soluble epoxide hydrolase, which controls blood pressure. In one study, hypertensive patients consumed olive oil every day, and 35% were able to completely discontinue their hypertensive medication after the 6-month study.

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