Childhood Epilepsy, Mental Health Support & the Helpline

Epileptic seizures can certainly impact one’s lifestyle. For some people, this impact is minor, while others may need to make larger lifestyle changes. However, managing and coping with the condition is different for everyone.


Epilepsy is a common medical problem in Pakistan. More commonly prevalent in rural population which is treated inadequately or inappropriately. In Pakistan, around 2.2 million people suffer from epilepsy while only a portion, 50,000 tobe specific, seek treatment for this disease, according to the Punjab Institute of Neuro Sciences (PINS). The overall prevalence of epilepsy in the country is estimated to be 9.99 per 1000 population.

Shifaam in collaboration with Paediatric Neurologist Dr. Raman Kumar launched the first-ever childhood epilepsy helpline in Pakistan. The Helpline helps children and parents fight the challenges of living with epilepsy, stop seizures by timely referrals, counter the social stigma of epilepsy and save lives. Trained information specialists provide awareness regarding basics of childhood epilepsy, seizure first-aid, compliance of medication and connect parents to Paediatric Neurologists and mental health practitioners through the Shifaamtelemedicine platform.

November is National Epilepsy AwarenessMonth, Shifaam would like to shed light upon epilepsy with Dr. Kumar and the importance of mental health support for the caretakers of epileptic children.

What is Childhood Epilepsy?

According to Dr. Kumar, “Epilepsy is a hidden disability because it is not usually obvious unless someone has a seizure”.

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects brain function causing frequent seizures. These seizures happen when the brain's electrical impulses act abnormally and send erratic signals. They may vary from a temporary disruption of the senses to short periods of unconsciousness. Epilepsy can affect people of any age and can affect both males and females of all races. The symptoms can vary from person to person however, every seizure does not mean it is an epileptic seizure. Epilepsy is diagnosed when a person has at least two seizures without a known trigger that happen at least 24 hours apart.

The cause of epilepsy is still unknown. Nevertheless, some of the causes might be: structural, genetic, infectious, metabolic and immune. A few examples can be:

  • brain damage from prenatal or perinatal causes;
  • genetic conditions associated with brain malformations;
  • a brain tumour;
  • a severe head injury;
  • a stroke;          
  • a brain infection;
  • drug abuse or alcohol misuse.

Epilepsy can be managed through multiple strategies consisting of antiepileptic medicines, diets, immunotherapies, hormone therapies, operations, and neurostimulation therapies for behavioural modifying.

The Stigma of Epilepsy

Throughout the world, epileptic patients face social stigma and discrimination; in addition, they are deprived of disclosing their condition or seeking any proper treatment causing further stigma, especially in developing countries.

In Pakistan, epilepsy stigma and stereotypes are prevalent in society. It is a disruptive condition in all social situations and strongly interferes with employability. Some people hesitate to get help, while others do not seek treatment because they are concerned that epilepsy stigma could harm their prospects with current or potential employers.  

Other stereotypes include:

  • Epilepsy is considered a mental illness, but the majority of people who have seizure disorders do not have neurological disabilities.
  • People with epilepsy are violent. During a seizure, people may become frightened, angry or combative. On the contrary, they do not have violent behaviour.
  • Epilepsy is contagious. Nonetheless, it is not a contagious illness.

The Importance of Mental Health Support

Mental health support is important for children and adults with epilepsy and for parents and caretakers of people with epilepsy. Caretakers can join the Shifaam Childhood Epilepsy Support group to connect with people who share similar challenges. Dr. Kumar states, “Counselingplays a big role in the management of childhood epilepsy”. He added, “counseling is the most difficult part of being a physician because parents only require medication and not counselling.”

  • People with epilepsy may suffer symptoms of depression. In some cases, they can have different side effects of medicines.
  • For caregivers, it is important to take care of their mental and emotional health as caring for others is a stressful job.

The role of a Paediatric Neurologist/GeneralPhysician extends beyond the delivery of medicine. They play a significant role in providing awareness to the patients and their caregivers about the illness and treatment. Counselling can provide a supportive place to share feelings without fear of judgment; support groups also can give reassurance that others are going through similar experiences.


Epilepsy is a lifelong condition that affects people in different ways. Many people with epilepsy lead normal and active lives. There is currently no cure for epilepsy, but people with the condition can usually manage and control their symptoms.

It is important to be well-informed about the condition and keep a positive attitude for both the patient and caretaker. It is essential to work closely with the doctor and adhere to prescribed medications to help control seizures so that the patient can lead a balanced life and functional life.

Lifestyle modifications can be an important part of epilepsy treatment. These include a balanced diet, adequate sleep, reducing stress and regular exercise.

To learn more about Childhood Epilepsy or to talk to a Paediatric Neurologist, call the helpline at 021-111-788-999. Paediatric Neurologists available on Shifaam:

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