Healthy Practices That Will Keep Your Lungs In Great Shape

Our lungs are the most vital, yet the most ignored organ of the body. People are rarely concerned about the condition of their lungs until they develop severe breathing problems. Taking care of your lungs isn’t hard or complicated and the earlier you start, the healthier your lungs will stay as you grow older. Not sure where to start? Here are some easy tips you can follow to ensure your lungs stay healthy and whole.


Exercise is great for your entire body. It helps to release endorphins and regulates your heart rate, hormones, and other vital functions of the body. During exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, your lungs work harder to meet the body’s increased demand for oxygen. Where an individual's resting heart rate might be 15 breaths per minute, it can go up to40 to 60 breaths per minute during vigorous exercise. This increased breathing rate helps to make the lungs more robust and keeps them stronger.

No More Smoking

Smoking has a negative impact on all functions of the body. However, since cigarette smoke comes into direct contact with the lungs, it causes a plethora of dangerous lung-related complications. The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke diminishes the ability of blood to carry oxygen efficiently whereas tar can be deposited in various parts of the lungs leading to dire consequences. Not only does smoking lead to premature aging and a loss of elasticity of the lungs, but it can also lead to deadly diseases such as lung cancer. It is estimated that smokers are 12 to 13 times more likely to die from chronic lung diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder compared to non-smokers.

Avoid Pollutants

Air pollutants can cause severe irritation in the lungs and lead to acute and chronic breathing issues. With air pollution, and issues such as smog, and passive smoking on the rise all around the world, it is more necessary than ever to ensure that the air we are breathing is clean. Therefore, it is important to wear masks to filter out air pollutants and protect your lungs in areas where the air quality is poor.

Do Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises help lungs function better. Even 2 to 5 minutes of deep breathing exercises can help to increase the breathing capacity of the lungs, improve their elasticity and keep them in great shape. Regular breathing exercises are not just great for your lungs, but they can also improve focus and promote relaxation naturally.

Beware of Lung Infections

Lung infections can severely damage lung function and capacity, especially at an older age. People with chronic lung diseases such as COPD have an elevated risk for lung infections and must take special precautions to keep themselves safe. Dangerous respiratory illnesses such as Pneumonia, Tuberculosis and even the Coronavirus can cause irreversible and even fatal damage to the lungs. This is why it is important to avoid coming into contact with infected persons if you are a smoker or are suffering from pre-existing lung conditions. 


Breathing is connected to all the vital functions of our body. Everything from our blood flow, heart rate, muscle activity and even brain function is reliant on the optimal flow of oxygen. So even the slightest disturbance in this system throws all other functions of the body into a frenzy. This is why it is important to keep a check on the health of your lungs and the air that you breathe in.

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