Helpful Tips for Parenting for Spending the Coronavirus Lockdown with Your Family

There is no doubt that this global crisis has created unthinkable challenges for parents all around the world. With strict measures in place that severely limit our daily activities, the anxiety of round the clock parenting has to be exhausting. Fortunately, there are a lot of helpful resources out there specifically to aid parents in creating a positive and safe environment for their children during the lockdown. Here’s a few key things tore member that could help you keep your children mentally strong during this crisis.

  • Keeping It Positive is crucial. It may be hard to stay positive when your child is driving you crazy, but remember that children are more likely to do what is asked of them if they are given positive instructions and praise for what they do right. This means:
    • You should say the behavior you want to see. For example, saying ‘Please put your toys away’ instead of ‘Don’t make a mess’.
    • Use your child’s name and talk in a calm voice instead of shouting, which can make children feel more stressed and angry.
    • Try praising your child for something they have done well. This will also reassure them that you notice and care.
  • Creating Structure helps the entire family. COVID-19 has taken away our daily work, home and school routines. This is hard for children, teenagers and for you. Making flexible, new routines can help. You could:
    • Create a schedule for you and your children that has time for structured activities as well as free time. This can help children feel more secure and better behaved. 
    • Involve your children in planning their routine for the day – like making a daily timetable. Children will follow this better if they help to make it. Include exercise in each day - this helps with stress and kids with lots of energy at home.
    • Make handwashing and hygiene fun with activities. For example, make a song for washing hands and add actions; or give children points for regular handwashing.
  • Talking About COVID-19 should be a priority that is on the top of every parent’s to-do list. Teach your child that we should be compassionate to people who are sick and those who are caring for them. You can try to:
    • Be open and listen. Allow your child to talk freely. Ask them open questions and find out how much they know about the virus. 
    • Be supportive for your children as they may be scared or confused. Give them space to share how they are feeling and let them know you are there for them.
    • Remember that it’s okay to not know answers to all the questions. However, do stay mindful of the fact that some stories going around may not be true. Use trustworthy websites and check the credibility of the information you read.
  • Keeping Calm & Managing Stress helps you take care of yourself so that you can care for your children. This is a stressful time and you are not alone. You should remember:
    • Your fears about this pandemic are not irrational and millions of people have the same fears as you right now. Avoid social media that aggravates your anxiety, practice yoga or meditation or find someone you can talk to about how you are feeling.
    • For parents working in the healthcare industry, Shifaam and CIC have taken an initiative that offers free of charge counseling and support services by supervised therapists to help you recharge yourself and manage your stress levels.
    • You must take a break sometimes. When your children are asleep, do something fun or relaxing for yourself. Make a list of healthy activities that you like to do because you deserve it.

While these are all excellent tips to help you spend time with your family during the lockdown, another issue remains at hand: a high percentage of families in Pakistan live in crowded homes and

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