People these days spend most of their time sitting on a chair that may appear comfortable but in reality it’s causing backache and pain in lower neck. Office workers generally suffer from backache at some point in their life, which they often ignore until it gets worse. We almost forgot how it’s like to get up from our office chair pain-free. It has become a part of our life. However, this should not be the case. You should be able to get up from your office chair comfortably. Here’s a list of things you should do to avoid backache and pain in lower ache.

• It should not come as a surprise that most office workers complain about pain in lower back and neck. Your back and shoulders round become soft when you sit on a chair all day long. Your glutes become idle and your neck moves forward on the shoulder, which rounds your back. This all happens while your thoracic spine becomes stiffer to ensure protection of that area. With the passage of time, people cannot get up pain free as their neck or lower back becomes tighter.
• We, over time, became used to of this new posture and the low back is forgetting to perform its functions. This makes muscles around your neck and back weaker and pushes the tissues to the extent, which lead to the creation of herniation or a bulge. You should realize that you’re heading for an injury if you can’t bend over without feeling pain or any sort of discomfort.
• In order to avoid injury due to your work routine, you should leave your chair every 30 minutes to stretch, walk, or squat. The other thing you can do to avoid making your routine affect your back is breathe heavily. This improves the thoracic spine and enhances the mobility of mid-back. You should breathe deeper in a way that your rib cage expands and your shoulders move. Your symptoms may not tell you that your body is becoming used to of this new posture and that you’re heading for an injury, but this happens quite a lot and people realize it only after making things worse for them.
• It is imperative for people who spend most of their time behind a desk to follow these tips and notice the symptoms. Just by realizing that you need to care for your spine regardless of your current physical situation can help you stay fit and healthy.
• When sitting on a chair, make sure that your pockets are empty to avoid the chances of sciatic pain.
• Finally, you should consult an orthopedic surgeon if you are having pain in lower back or neck. To find the best doctors near you, visit Shifaam or call us at +92 213 7132273 for assistance.

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