One in every 10 women of childbearing age is affected by a health problem known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women who suffer from PCOS generally have metabolism problems and hormonal imbalances that not only affect their health but their appearance as well. PCOS also cause infertility among women, but this is a very common cause of infertility among women and can be treated.
Previously, doctors were of the opinion that PCOS induced hormonal imbalances only affect women from their teenage years to menopause. However, new researches on the subject suggest that PCOS can start much earlier and can last much longer. Your body produces more androgens (mostly testosterone) if you’re suffering from PCOS, which disturb the balance of hormones in your body. If you’ve PCOS, then it doesn’t mean that you can’t get pregnant, since it’s treatable, but it affects the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries. But certainly you can’t get pregnant if you don’t ovulate. Moreover, studies have also found PCOS association with the following health conditions – though it is not clear whether PCOS causes these problems or it’s the other way around.
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Unhealthy cholesterol
• Sleep apnea
• Depression and anxiety
• Endometrial cancer
PCOS certainly is a bad news for you, but here’s a list of things you should do to treat or manage PCOS.

Maintain a healthy weight
To reduce the risk of health problems related to PCOS, you should maintain a healthy weight. It also helps in reducing insulin resistance and regulating periods. Gradual weight loss is your first defense against PCOS.

Exercise regularly
Whether you have PCOS or not, regular exercise is a great way to maintain a healthy weight. However, exercising too much can certainly disturb your hormonal balance, so we advise you to consult a doctor before engaging in any physical activity.
If you’re not sure about which doctor to go to, get expert opinion for free through Shifaam.

Maintain a healthy sleep routine
Sleep deprivation not only affects your stress levels but also assist in regulating cortisol to balance your hormones. However, experts believe that sleep disturbance is really common among women with PCOS, so it is better to maintain a healthy sleep routine. Sleep at least 8 hours every night and go to sleep at the same time every day. Finally, don’t eat fatty food before bedtime.

Reduce stress
One of the most effective ways to treat PCOS is reducing stress, as it helps in regulating cortisol. The other tips mentioned above like getting enough sleep, maintaining healthy weight and exercising regularly can also help in lowering stress levels.
Moreover, we would advise you to do what you prefer to reduce your stress levels.

Avoid endocrine disruptors or limit them
Endocrine disruptors can block the natural hormonal reactions of your body or interfere with them. These are the chemicals that often mimics the sex hormones of male and female, which create confusion in your reproductive system and increase the PCOS risk symptoms. Endocrine disruptors can be found commonly in soaps, cosmetics and canned food.

Try acupuncture
Acupuncture can help with PCOS as it increases blood flow to your ovaries, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces cortisol levels, and helps with weight loss.

Be cautious
Exercise caution when taking supplements or opting for therapies that make tall claims. Certainly, there are many natural treatments available for the disease, but alternative remedies don’t work with everybody and you need to consult a health advisor first. Call Shifaam now or talk to our online health advisors.

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