The Toxic Relationship You Need To Break Up With!

Are you one of those people who loves makeup, but, have acne? I am same as you with drawers and drawers full of it. I just cannot stop buying cosmetics, all the super pigmented products are totally fun to own! But the truth is, I love hoarding them and don’t wear them that often, why? Because the less makeup you wear, the better your skin looks!

Trust me! It’s a never-ending cycle that needs to stop today!

Why You Should Break Up with Your Makeup

Makeup is taking Your Youth away. “Oh! But it gives me flawless skin” I know it hides spots and blemishes, but the truth is, it’s the reason why we are getting it, just like mice living in the walls of our beloved homes, our pores, lines, wrinkles and crinkles are have become hideouts for the cosmetics that we apply.

Dearies, always remember to clean off that base which is creating a beautiful mess on your face.

Do NOT Sleep with Your Makeup on.Hey girl! Makeup is not part of your bedtime skincare regime! I know, I know, washing your face at night is a hassle especially in winters. But, think about those tiny pores who cannot even stand up for their rights.

Every night you sleep with makeup on, the protest results in acne.

You are beautiful and you know it! Makeup doesn’t make us beautiful, all the imperfections we sleep with at night are the actual things that make us who we are. Lines, wrinkles, freckles – it is what makes us beautiful in real. Why would you want to hide that?

Wash it, wipe it, or deep cleanse, do what gives you peace.

And finally, this is the only thing for which you have to find the motivation within; no doctor will be able to help you with it if you are not ready to help yourself.

But, if you have signed the peace treaty with your skin then seeking help from a dermatologist for acne treatment will be a good idea. Your search for a Dermatologist in Karachi ends here.

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