What Parents Need to Know About Autism?

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition. It usually manifests at the age of two and involves a broad range of challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication. The effects and symptoms of ASD vary from person to person and can include limited activity, repetitive use of language, little to no eye contact and much more. Like other neurological disorders, children with autism often require a different level of support, which is in accordance with their ability to learn, think and solve problems. Some children may require more assistance and others may need less support and live entirely independently.

An ASD diagnosis in a child can be particularly frightening for parents, as it is an incurable and lifelong condition. However, early intervention with treatments and special services can improve a child’s symptoms and ability to function significantly. This is a guide for parents who have children with ASD, its aim is to equip parents with tips that will help to make their journey with ASD easier.

Get a Proper Diagnosis

If you as a parent suspect that your child might have ASD during their early years, you should see an experienced paediatrician who can make a concrete diagnosis. The pediatrician, according to your child suspected diagnosis, might recommend a child neurologist or psychiatrist who will further evaluate your child’s brain and behavior. You might also have to see an Occupational Therapist and a Nutritionist for your child’s sensory issues and diet plan. 

Early Intervention

As a parent, it is important to be aware of early signs of autism and the typical developmental milestones that a child should be reaching. Recognizing the early signs of autism and seeking early intervention services can lead to better results in future. It particularly speeds up a child’s development and reduces the symptoms of autism over a period of time. Studies have also shown that early intensive behavioural intervention improves learning, communication and social skills in young children with autism.

Learning about Autism

It is a good idea to educate yourself about ASD and its treatments so that you are better equipped to make informed decisions for your child. Learning about autism and getting involved in the treatments will go a long way in helping your child cope with their disorder. It is important to be consistent in the way you interact with your child and deal with challenging behaviours to reinforce learning.

Get Support

If you have a child with autism, it is helpful to get support as taking care of the day-to-day activities of ASD children can get overwhelming if done alone. If you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed, ask your family or friends to help you. Asking for and receiving support will have a positive impact in the long run on the wellbeing of your child and yourself.

Taking Care of Yourself

While taking care of a child with autism is important, it is essential to take care of yourself (parents) as well as the entire journey can be exhausting if you’re not careful. Giving yourself and your child time to adjust. and maintaining a balance between your time with your children, your personal desires and necessities is not an easy job. However, it will take time to find a good balance and you should be in no hurry to find the perfect harmony. consistency, practice, planning and mindfulness are key factors.

Join the Autism Community

Being a parent or a caretaker of a child with autism is no easy feat. However,  joining an ASD community or a support group to mingle with other families dealing with the same challenges can make things much easier and less intimidating. Parents can share information, listen to advice and support each other emotionally. Just being around others in the same boat and sharing their experience can go a long way towards reducing the isolation many parents feel after receiving their child’s diagnosis.


Raising and parenting a child with ASD is undoubtedly a challenging task. However, there are numerous simple steps that can help make yours and your child’s life simpler. Consistent learning, early interventions, therapy and training can all help your child flourish. At times the journey can be very challenging for parents but, the positive developments in your child’s behaviour will bring unparalleled joy as well. It is good to get support for yourself or join an autism support group to create a strong support system. Being emotionally strong throughout this journey is the best a parent can do for their child with ASD.

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