
Factor II & V Mutation

All Tests
Test Detail Price
17 Ketosteriodes Rs.2270
17 OH Progesterone Rs.5970
24 Hour Urinary free Cortisol Rs.1790
24 Hour Urinary Magnesium Rs.1180
24 Hours Urinary Oxalate Rs.4070
24 Hrs Urine Micro Albumin Rs.1740
25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Rs.3870
5HIAA Rs.3780
A.C.T.H (AdrenoCorticoTropic Hormone) Rs.4290
A/G Ratio Rs.790
Abo Group & Rh Rs.1010
Absolute Eosinophil Count Rs.990
Absolute Neutrophils Count Rs.990
Acetoaminophen(paracetamol) Rs.1850
Acute Leukemia Rs.31270
AFB C/S Rs.4180
AFB Smear Rs.740
AFB Smear - Auramine Staining Rs.740
AI Prof.Chronic Inflammation Bowel Disease Rs.8450
Albumin Rs.460
Albumin to Creatinine Ratio (ACR) Rs.2130
Alcohol Rs.2850
Aldolase Rs.2130
Aldosterone Rs.4180
Alk Phosphatase Rs.560
Alkaline Phosphatase Fractionation Rs.1070
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Rs.2230
Alpha F. Protein Rs.3800
AMA Rs.1670
Amikacin Rs.2960
Ammonia Rs.1850
Amoebiasis IHA Rs.2790
Amylase Serum Rs.1070
Amylase Urine Rs.840
ANA Anti nuclear Antibody Rs.2230
ANA Group / Autoimmune Liver Profile Rs.2530
ANA IgG Rs.2230
Anaerobic C/S Rs.1740
ANCA-Anti GBM Profile Rs.5010
ANCA-Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab (CE45) Rs.4330
Androstenedione Rs.6480
Angiotensin Convert. Enzym (ACE) Rs.5620
Antenatal Profile Rs.13470
Antenatal Profile without HB Electr Rs.8900
Anti Mullerian Hormone Rs.5960
Anti Adrenal Ab IgG Rs.2790
Anti Aquaporin 4 Ab Rs.7210
Anti CCP (Anti Cyc.Citru.Peptide) Rs.3850
Anti Centromere Antibodies Rs.2230
Anti dsDNA+Anti Histone+Anti Nucleosome Rs.3460
Anti GAD Antibodies Rs.1670
Anti Gastric Parietal Cell AB Rs.2230
Anti GBM Rs.3980
Anti Gliadin IgA (CE48) Rs.3090
Anti Gliadin IgG (CE49) Rs.3460
Anti Islet Cell Antibodies/GAD Antibodies Rs.2230
Anti LKM Rs.2400
Anti Neuronal Profile Rs.5680
Anti Thrombin Rs.6120
Anti TSH Receptor Ab Rs.2940
Anti VGKC Associated Protein Rs.7780
Antibody Identification Rs.4240
Antibody Screening Rs.1180
Antibody Titration Rs.1670
Anticardiolipin IgG (CE22) Rs.3340
Anticardiolipin IgM (CE23) Rs.3340
Antitransglutaminase IgA Rs.3090
Antitransglutaminase IgG Rs.3090
APTT Rs.1290
Arterial Blood Gases Rs.1400
Ascitic Fluid Routine Analysis Rs.1460
ASMA Rs.1670
ASO Rs.1850
Aspirate C/S Rs.1740
Autoimmune Encephalitis Profile By CSF Rs.20090
Autoimmune Encephalitis Profile By Serum Rs.20090
Autoimmune Profile for Inflammatory Myopathie Rs.7850
Autoimmune Profile for Systemic Sclerosis Rs.7790
B/M for Cytogenetics Studies(hematological malignancies) Rs.7790
B/M For Karyotyping of Sex Mismatched B/M transplantation Rs.7790
B12 Folate Rs.3960
BCR- ABL by PCR Quantitative Rs.24310
Bence-Jones Protein Urine Rs.620
Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgG Rs.1670
Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgM Rs.1670
Beta 2 Micro Globulin Rs.4350
Beta D-Glucan Rs.6740
BHCG Rs.2130
Bicarbonate Serum Rs.560
Bladder Urine C/S Rs.1740
Blood C/S (Adult) Rs.3060
Blood C/S (Peads) Rs.3060
Blood Crossmatch Rs.1070
Blood for PNH Disease Rs.17800
Blood Ketone Rs.830
Blood Screening Rs.6070
Blood Transfusion Reaction Investigation (RBC) Rs.6300
BNP(B-type Natriuretic Peptide) Rs.3730
Body fluid - Amylase Rs.1120
Body fluid - Glucose Rs.840
Body fluid - LDH Rs.840
Body Fluid - pH Rs.460
Body fluid - Protein Rs.840
Body Fluid Albumin Rs.510
Body Fluid C/S Rs.1740
Body Fluid Cell Count Rs.900
Body Fluid Cholesterol Rs.560
Body Fluid Creatinine Rs.560
Body Fluid Fungus C/S Rs.1740
Body Fluid in Culture Bottle Rs.3060
Body Fluid Uric Acid Rs.560
Bone Marrow / peripheral blood for Philadelphia Chromosome Rs.10020
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Trephine Biopsy Rs.5350
Bone Marrow Procedure Rs.1850
Bone Marrow Smear Rs.2230
Bone Marrow Trephine & Slide Review Rs.3180
Bone Profile Rs.3520
Breast Cancer Immuno Profile Rs.10360
Breast Milk C/S Rs.1740
Bronchial wash C/S Rs.1740
Brucella Antibody Rs.1500
Brucella Igg by Elisa Rs.5960
Brucella Igm by Elisa Rs.5960
BUN Rs.560
C S F - Cytology Rs.1850
C-Peptide Rs.5520
C-Reactive Protein(CRP) High Sensitivity Rs.1740
C3 Rs.1570
C4 Rs.1570
CA 125 Rs.5010
CA 15-3 Rs.3350
CA 19-9 Rs.5010
Calcitonin Rs.10910
Calcium Serum Rs.730
Calcium Urine Rs.750
Calprotectin Rs.5010
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) Rs.1740
Cardiac Profile (CPKMB, Troponin-I) Rs.3180
Catheter Tip C/S Rs.1740
Catheter Urine C/S (CSU) Rs.1740
CBC Diff Profile (CS11) Rs.1090
CD4 Counts(Lymphocyte Subsets) Rs.22250
CDC Cytotoxicity Crossmatch - Quantitative Rs.16690
CEA Rs.4290
Ceruloplasmin Rs.2060
Cervical Swab C/S Rs.2010
Chem 12 Rs.5570
Chem 7 Rs.2730
Chloride Serum Rs.510
Chloride Urine Rs.670
Cholesterol Serum Rs.620
Cholinesterase Rs.3240
Chronic lymphoid Leukemia (CLL) Rs.18920
Clostridium difficile (Antigen & Toxin) Rs.3350
CMV DNA by PCR Quantitative Rs.17410
CMV IgG Rs.2230
CMV IgM Rs.2230
Cold Agglutinin (HS08) Rs.670
Complement Dependent Cellular Cytotoxity Xmat Rs.7510
Coomb's Test, Direct Rs.670
Coomb's Test, Indirect Rs.1180
Coomb's Test, Total Rs.1570
Copper Rs.1900
Cortisol Rs.2340
CPK (CK) Rs.1340
CPK-MB (CKMB) Rs.1790
Creatinine Clearance Urine Rs.1400
Creatinine Serum Rs.620
Creatinine Urine Rs.740
Cryptococcus Neoformans Antigen Rs.2340
Cryptosporidium/ Entamoeba/ Giardia Antigen Rs.6510
Crystal Examination Rs.1340
CSF C/S Rs.1740
CSF Fungus C/S Rs.1740
CSF Routine Analysis Rs.1400
Cyclosporine Rs.6120
D-Dimer (HC06) Rs.2060
Dengue Rapid NS1 Ag & Ab Combo Test Rs.1950
DHEA-SO4 Rs.3060
Diabetes package Rs.15380
Differential Leucocyte Count Rs.990
Digoxin Level (Lenoxin) Rs.1900
Dihydrorhodamine (DHR) Rs.5680
Diphtheria Toxoid IgG Rs.1670
Direct Bilirubin Rs.510
Discharge - Cytology Rs.1670
Drugs of Abuse Screenig Profile Rs.13810
Ear C/S Rs.1740
Echinococcus IgG SEROLOGY BY ELISA. Rs.2580
Effusion - Cytology Rs.3060
Electrolytes Rs.1570
ENA Profile (CE24) Rs.6960
Endomysium IgA Rs.2790
EOS Count Nasal Smear Rs.470
Eosinophil Count Rs.990
Erythropoietin Rs.10800
ESR Rs.510
Estradiol Rs.1950
Extended Auto immune Liver Profile Rs.4570
Extended LFTs Rs.3400
Extra Large Bx(Radical Procedures) Rs.10130
Eye C/S Rs.1740
F N A Cytology Rs.4120
Factor - VIII Rs.2730
Factor II & V Mutation Rs.17410
Fasting Chem 7 Rs.2900
Fat Globules Rs.510
Ferric Chloride Test Rs.670
Ferritin Rs.2060
Fibrinogen Level Rs.1670
Flow Cross Match Rs.20030
Flu A, Flu B & RSV By PCR (GeneXpert) Rs.9800
Fluids, other Routine Analysis Rs.1460
Folic Acid Rs.1850
Food Microbial Analysis Rs.1960
Food Specific Allergen IgE Rs.9800
Free T3 Rs.2